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The Best Guidelines For Inspection And Maintenance Of Mooring Equipment Including Lines

  1. Proper protection and storage of mooring lines for preserving the design life of them.

  2. The company should establish procedures to allow the identification and control of mooring lines, tails and associated attachments when on board and to facilitate inspection and maintenance of mooring lines. Any defect discovered to the mooring lines during mooring operations should be immediately reported to the Master by all parties concerned including shore-based mooring personnel.

  3. Equipment and fittings should be properly inspected and maintained, based on the manufacturer's recommendations.

  4. When replacing mooring lines, compatibility with the mooring equipment and fittings on board, as specified in the mooring arrangement plan, should be taken into account. This should be achieved by selecting a replacement mooring line which meets the designed specifications.

  5. Manufacturers' test certificates for mooring lines, joining shackles and synthetic tails, records of inspection and maintenance of mooring equipment and inspection and replacement of mooring lines, should be retained on board. Such records should be kept for a period determined by the company, but in any event the records should be kept until completion of the next annual survey.

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